What Are S, b, Sb, S8, and S8b in the Product Titles?

Some of the product titles in our shop include S, b, Sb, S8, or S8b. These letters designate a variation of our logo if it is not our full logo in color. Our full logo has three parts: Surf 8 (top of logo), slogan (middle of logo), and Christians (bottom of logo).

Full Logo in Color

The letters in the product titles of our Foundations and ACT clothing lines designate if there is a different variation of our full logo used on the shirt or product. Here are the differences:

b: Anytime you see a lowercase b in a product title, it designates a logo is in black ink. If the “b” is alone in the title, it means the product has our full logo in black ink (Figure 1).
S: The S designation stands for our “slogan logo” which means the product only includes our logo to the slogan section which is the top and middle of our logo. The word Christians is not included on our slogan logo (Figure 2).
Sb: The Sb designation is our slogan logo in black ink (Figure 3).
S8: The S8 designation is our logo that only includes the Surf 8 portion of our full logo. This logo does not include the slogan or word Christians (Figure 4).
S8b: The S8b designation is our Surf 8 logo in black ink (Figure 5).

Figure 1: b-Full logo in black
Figure 2: S-Slogan logo in color
Figure 3: Sb-Slogan logo in black
Figure 4: S8-Surf 8 logo in color
Figure 5: S8b-Surf 8 logo in black