Top 5 Tips to Build Your Faith Endurance

Faith is the foundation of miracles. You may think that faith begins with you, but it actually begins with God. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). It is His faithfulness that allows us to have faith and believe in Him.

I think of faith as three parts although they are continual and blend together. The first is God’s faithfulness to us. The second is our faith. And the third is our faith endurance.

God’s faithfulness: God never gives up on us. His faithfulness is like no other. When we are distant from God, it is because we choose to run or step out away from God. His faithfulness is the same yesterday, now, and forever. Knowing God’s love is everything. And knowing He is faithful no matter our struggles is incredible.

If someone acted towards you the way you have been to God, how would you feel? Would you still be faithful to them? I am so grateful Jesus is faithful always, because I know I didn’t deserve His forgiveness or mercy. He is faithful because He loves you so much!

Our faith: Accepting Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and Savior is the first step of faith. Receiving His salvation is the best decision you will ever make in your life. We are a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), and He will guide us with the Holy Spirit.

Hebrews 11:1 is the Biblical definition of faith:

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

When you receive salvation, you get Heaven on earth with all its resources. You will see amazing transformation in your life. If you lean on Jesus, He will show you so much and move in your life in ways you could never imagine. You are apart of the Kingdom which does not operate like the world. The impossible is possible with God (Matthew 19:26). You just have to believe and have faith.

Faith endurance: Anything is easy to start. Diets, jobs, exercise, budgets. But it is sticking with it that is hard. How many times have you started something only to quit shortly after? I think one of the most common phrases is, “I will start tomorrow (or on Monday).”

Our faith gets attacked in many ways. The enemy only comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Satan does not want you to get stronger in your faith. Instead, he wants to attack you, so you will turn away from God. Starting your faith is easy. Keeping your faith is more difficult.

Will your faith endure life's trials and tribulations?

Following God isn’t the easiest route, but it is the best route. Often, the best things in life require the most effort. It takes commitment, dedication, and determination. Our relationship with Jesus Christ also takes commitment, dedication, and determination. But the wonderful thing about our faith is we don’t have to do it alone. We always have Jesus with us to help us get through any life event. Each time gets easier as you trust in Him.

Our faith endurance is like running a marathon. It takes time to build the physical endurance to withstand running 26.2 miles. It takes times to build your faith endurance, too. Don’t be discouraged if you did great one day and struggled the next. Stay with Him and your faith will become stronger to withstand life’s challenges.

Here are 5 tips to build your faith endurance:

  1. Go to God first: No matter what happens in your life, you should go to God first before anything else. Whether it is to pray or simply talk to God about a situation. If you need clarity or wisdom, ask God. If you need healing, declare it to the Lord. If you are confused, seek God. You should always go to God first before ever seeking human aid or answers from the world.

  2. Remember what God has done for you: When you go through tribulations, it can be difficult to see God’s plan for you or how He will turn it into good. It is important to remember what God has done for you so far. I have seen too many prayers answered and good things from God to doubt Him. I know God only has His best for you and me. To get through hard situations, I think of the good things and how many trials and tribulations He has gotten me through already.

  3. Praise Him in everything: When you are getting beat up by the world, praising God may be the last thing you want to do. But God’s plan is perfect and even the negative situations are used for good (Romans 8:28). I look back at the negative events in my life and I can see the positive lessons I’ve learned, or how they impacted positive future events. You may be going through the biggest storm of your life, but seek God and praise Him in the storm. You will see His blessings.

  4. Keep learning: Learning is an important part of building your faith endurance. It is like exercise for your faith. You have to keep exercising to gain physical endurance. You must keep learning to gain faith endurance. There are a few ways to keep learning to grow in your faith including reading the Bible, reading Christian books, watching Christian TV programs, or going to church to hear sermons.

  5. Look for the lesson: When I am going through a negative life challenge, I will ask God, “What am I supposed to learn from this, Lord?” I know that life lessons can be tough, but I also know how much we grow during hard times. Look for the lesson in your life events and storms. Some storms don’t rock the boat as much as others, but they all have impact and lessons learned.

Our God coach is the best for you. He knows everything you need and where you are today. He knows how to get you to your next level. Just keep saying Yes to Jesus!

If you are ready to say, “YES” to Jesus Christ, pray out loud the following:

Jesus, I believe you died on the cross for me and rose again. Jesus, I ask you to come into my heart to be my Lord and Savior. I will follow you all the days of my life. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Learn more about Ultimate Faith in SAPPy thoughts Ep. 1.