(im)Patiently Waiting for God

Waiting for God’s timing may be the most challenging thing in my faith journey. I won’t even pray for patience because it would guarantee I will go through something that requires patience. I figured I get enough tests for patience without asking for it.

In April 2022, God put it on my heart to leave my job. I prayed that God would confirm His plan with Bill. I was not leaving my job without the agreement of my husband. This was a big decision that greatly impacted our family, especially financially.

In my early adult years, my wages were poverty income levels. There was even a short time I needed government assistance during unforeseen circumstances. The idea of leaving my higher paying income was terrifying. Why would I willfully leave my job security?

I have learned (and still learning) to trust God in all things. At the time, leaving my fulltime job and salary was my biggest step of faith. It can be easier to trust God when your bank account can cover your day-to-day needs and monthly bills. But can you trust God when you do not have financial security?

Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

Matthew 6:26 (NKJV)

Your relationship with Jesus Christ is personal. What you need is different than what I need. God may never guide you to leave your job without having another one. But for me, money was a bruised area in my relationship with God.

One of the main reasons I ran from God was because of the financial hardships I experienced in my young adulthood. I have never been consumed by money. But when I struggled to pay for basic needs like food and shelter, I ran from Christ and resisted in non-belief. Instead, I should have pressed into Him.

Before I left my position at the university, we were able to budget part of my salary to pay the startup and operation costs for Surf 8 Christians. I always hoped that I would get to work in Surf 8 Christians fulltime, but I did not think I would make the transition until Surf 8 Christians was able to sustain its business expenses.

It has been eight months since I left my fulltime job as a professor. I would love to tell you that everything has progressed beautifully, but Surf 8 Christians still doesn’t make any income to cover its expenses. I am still waiting for God for a consistent income, but I am so grateful He has called me to Surf 8 Christians.

I have seen God provide for us every month. Bill’s lawn service income isn’t enough to pay all our bills. I have seen things that can only be explained as God’s provisions. God’s miracles come in all sizes. You don’t have to win a mega lottery to be blessed. For example, Bill had a customer who paid for the entire 2023 year in early February when only one month was due. This has never happened in the 30 years of his business! The amount was enough to pay for one month’s mortgage.

Even through the financial uncertainty, I haven’t worried like I expected. Surprisingly, I have remained calm through this experience even when we didn’t receive funds to cover a bill until the day before it was due. I prefer to pay our bills weeks in advance, but we haven’t been late on any payment.

My relationship with Jesus Christ has become so much stronger since I left my job. I am closer to Him than ever before. I know God’s timing is perfect, and I am learning each day how to patiently wait for God. I know following His plan is best, and I trust God completely!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for Your provisions. I am grateful for Your love. I am secure in Your faithfulness and I trust You completely. I seek Your wisdom, and I pray that only Your Will be done. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.