Good Friday 2021

Good Friday and Easter Weekend are so important to Christians (and everyone). It is when we entered Grace when Jesus died for us. He was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins! Thank you, Jesus.

So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit. – John 19:30 (NKJV)

Because Easter is associated with the first Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon – the first full moon after the vernal (spring) equinox – the date changes each year. This year, Good Friday falls on 02 April which makes it extra special for me. It is my Salvation Anniversary.

When I think of all great events that happened in my life, my Salvation is the most important. It supersedes any accomplishment. I spent 12 years running from God, even identifying as atheist at the very end. It’s so hard to write those words. Knowing my faith now and who I am in Jesus Christ, it is shocking that I was so vulnerable and foolish to say there was no God.

But we all have hurt. And I have hurt of my own. I didn’t understand how bad things could happen if there was a God. But I was reading social media during some uproar, and I kept reading the incorrect usage of Bible verses. Even though I wasn’t a believer, I knew they were so wrong with their arguments and usage from what little I did know from the Bible. So, I decided to read the Bible from start to finish, that is, from Genesis to Revelation.

I am a fact finder and data-driven person. I want proof and statistical support for everything. This is one reason I struggled with my faith and why I was so vulnerable to unbelief (which is opportunity for the Devil). But when I began to read the Word, I connected with verses. Some verses even supported what I believed scientifically.

I continued to read and to learn for myself. We see misconstrued information everywhere, and the Bible and Christianity top this list. In the first few months of reading the Bible, I received Salvation. When I finished reading, I was water baptized a few days later.

My life has changed for the better since giving my life to Jesus Christ. Being a Christian doesn’t mean your life is easy. From a worldly perspective, it is harder, but having Jesus guide you is wonderful and being part of His Kingdom is perfect! I am surfing the wave of eternal life with Jesus Christ. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Jesus with Cross