You Are a Star in God’s Playbook

I grew up playing sports. Most of my family were athletes. I watched sports, too. My favorite team sport to watch is volleyball, but that’s because I played it. American football is my second favorite, especially college. My interest to watch sports on TV has changed in the past few years with the emphasis of topics not related to sports, but I still enjoy the actual game.   

When God gave me the desire to write this blog, it started with the board game of chess. The purpose of chess is to move around game pieces to put the king in checkmate. It exists on a flat plain or board with defined rules about how the pieces can move. This got me thinking about Satan and God.

You may have heard that Jesus never would have been put on the cross had the devil known what was going to happen next after His crucifixion. God gave us the power and authority with the Holy Spirit which is a gift through Jesus’ sacrifice (Acts 1:8). It gives us an anointing and unbelievable authority beyond this world. So, when Satan thinks he has you in checkmate, guess again.

God can make you move in another dimension that is beyond where Satan can go. He can make you go up when you are only supposed to be able to go forward, backward, or side-to-side. God will always be one play (or more) ahead. Satan will never win when you have Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:57).

With chess, there are only two players. One for each side. But this concept got me thinking about bigger fields. So, back to football. In football, there are eleven players on the field for each team. For every play, there are multiple routes going at the same time so the quarterback can throw or hand the ball to a teammate. This is so the opponent, or defense, doesn’t know exactly what is going to happen. But the goal of the offense is the same, to get a touchdown.

God’s goal is the same for all of us. He wants us to receive Jesus, so we will be with Him in Heaven when we die or when Jesus returns, whichever comes first. You are a star in God’s playbook, even if you don’t get the ball on every play. My purpose is to get people to Jesus, as I believe yours is, too. But the play is different for each of us.

Sometimes, things are quiet, or we are on the sidelines. This is your time to be still and wait for God (Psalm 37:7). It can be difficult to watch other players get the praise and glory, but to our God coach, every player is essential! And you will be put in at the perfect time to get a touchdown, that is, another life saved for Jesus!

Being on Jesus’ team doesn’t mean you get easy wins. You will get muddy when it pours. You will get hit so hard it knocks the wind out of you. And there are times when you think you are losing. But you get back up for every-single-play, because you are the MVP (most valuable player) for God. You will get the victory on Jesus’ team (1 Corinthians 15:57)!

I want to be with Jesus in Heaven. Do you want to be on His winning eternal team? If you are ready to receive Jesus into your heart, then pray out loud the following:

Jesus, I believe you died on the cross for me and rose again. Jesus, I ask you to come into my heart to be my Lord and Savior. I will follow you all the days of my life. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.