Top 5 Tips for New Christians

Saying Yes to Jesus is the best decision you will ever make. But sometimes, it can be difficult figuring out what to do next.

When I accepted Jesus into my heart, there were five things that were extremely helpful in growing my Christian faith. Not only were they beneficial to me in the beginning, but I still do these five things in my spiritual journey.

Journaling: Christian journaling prioritizes your spiritual moments. These moments don’t have to be just the “big” moments including getting saved or baptized. It can be any spiritual experience you want to write about. You can give thanks to God, write down scriptures that inspire you, or list your prayers that have been answered. 

Don’t worry about how much or how often you write. You are not required to write daily or write a lot in each journal entry. You don’t want journaling to be a burden. You want it to help you grow in your faith. Christian journaling will help highlight key moments on your spiritual journey.

Learn more in our blog, Christian Journaling: Tips for Writing.

Talk to God: God wants to be a part of everything in your life, big or small. I listed “talk” to God instead of pray to God, because people may think that prayer requires a certain posture or kneeling. But prayer is simply talking to God.

You don’t have to be in any particular stance or position to talk to God. Some people may choose to bow their heads, close their eyes, look up, kneel, or fold their hands. You may see more of these things in church or prayer groups, but this isn’t necessary to pray. God just wants to hear from you.

I talk to God a lot when I am driving, so I am definitely not bowing my head or closing my eyes. However, I bow my head when I give thanks for my food at the dinner table, but I don’t bow my head when I give thanks for my cup of coffee while sitting on the couch. I talk to God anytime and everywhere!

Think of Jesus as your best friend whom you talk to about everything. He is the first person you want to tell everything. You call Him when something good happens, something bad, something happy, or something sad. Include Him in every moment of your life. Jesus wants to hear it and share His love through it all.

God can hear your thoughts, so you can talk quietly to God in your mind or speak out loud. He knows everything about you, so you can be vulnerable and trust Him. Talking to God is joyous.

Some people may go to God more when things are bad. Some may go to Him more when things are good. Learn to go to God always. Regularly talking to God makes it easier to include Him in your life.

Learning to Grow: Only believers can see the Kingdom (John 3:3). Once you are born again, you will see (with your heart) the love of Jesus Christ. It is so exciting learning about Him and all that He does for us. You want to keep learning to grow spiritually.

There are several free resources to help you grow in your faith. The internet has made it so much easier to access great programs. You can read blogs like our Learning Blog. You can read Christian books, watch Christian programs, listen to Christian podcasts, or connect with a local church.

For example, you can watch the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) online or with their phone app for free without paying for a cable or streaming subscription. Also, many churches stream their services or post it on their YouTube channel.

When I was new in my faith, I found free Kindle books including my free Kindle New King James Version (NKJV) Bible. You can search for free e-book options. Your local library will have resources, too, along with organizations that may offer free used books such as charity thrift stores. Audio books are a great option because you can listen to them anywhere like when you are commuting to work. There are free phone apps for daily devotionals and spiritual inspiration.

Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

John 3:3 (NKJV)
Learn more with Surf 8 Christians Learning to Grow videos playlist.

Listen to Christian Music: Worship music, whatever genre, should get you closer to God. Christian songs are based on scripture and Christian beliefs. It is a wonderful way to learn more by listening to music and singing the lyrics. Whether you like country, pop, rock, rap, or traditional gospel worship music, there is something for you.

Many people have noted music as a way they learned another language. The same concept applies here, only you are learning the Word instead of a foreign language. For example, Newsboys song We Believe summarizes our Christian beliefs based on multiple scriptures.

We believe in God the Father
We believe in Jesus Christ
We believe in the Holy Spirit
And He’s given us new life
We believe in the crucifixion
We believe that He conquered death
We believe in the resurrection
And He’s comin’ back again
We believe

Newsboys, We Believe

Casting Crowns’ song Praise You in the Storm includes a blend of two Bible versions of Psalm 121:1-2 in their lyrics:

I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The maker of Heaven and Earth

Casting Crowns, Praise You in the Storm

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
    where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.

Psalm 121:1-2 (NIV)

I will lift up my eyes to the hills—
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.

Psalm 121:1-2 (NKJV)

When you worship, you are praising God. Listening to Christian music is a fun and easy way to learn more about the Bible. Typically, it is much easier to remember song lyrics than scripture.

Also, you can listen to Christian music anywhere. In the car. During exercise. While cleaning. When studying for a test. Or any other time you listen to music.

Learn more in our blog, Christian Music: Finding Your Sound

Read the Bible: The Bible can be intimidating at first, but reading it like a novel really helps. Reading the Bible like a novel is more about getting an introduction to the Word, not understanding scripture. You are just focusing on reading the chapters like a book story. This allows you to begin building your relationship with the Word, that is Jesus Christ, without any pressure. It also helps you learn to prioritize time to read the Bible.

It is helpful to begin reading the New Testament. A good place to start is the Book of John. Once you are finished reading John, you can go back to Matthew and read the New Testament through to Revelation. There is no set rule on the order to read the Bible, so don’t be afraid to follow a different reading path.

When I read the Bible (like a novel), I read it on my Kindle like I do most books. Sometimes, I listened to an audio version while following along on my phone. I didn’t take notes during this time, or try to memorize any scripture. I just enjoyed the people and their experiences.

There are many Bible versions. Some are easier to read than others. Personally, I use NKJV but Surf 8 Christians gives out New International Version (NIV) Bibles at events. The best Bible is the one you have. There are also free online resources such as Bible Gateway where you can read any Bible version you choose.

As you grow in Christ, it’s okay to stumble but ask God to help you. Lean on Him for your strength, because you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13).

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV)
New Creation (2 Corinthians 5:17)