Every Sunrise is a New Beginning

There it was in my social media feed. The Surf 8 Christians post about SAPPy thoughts New Year’s Eve (NYE) video of our top 10 blessings countdown for 2022. Only there was no video. I quickly got my laptop to delete the posts along with any others from our content planner that haven’t published yet. As you reflect on 2022, how much of it went as planned?

In one of our SAPPy thoughts icebreaker videos, Bill and I talk about our favorite vacations which included a discussion about our planning skills. I used to be a big planner, years in advance. But as each year goes by, the less my plans work and the more I seek God’s plan for me.

Even when we are pursuing God’s plan, things still don’t go as we think they should or hoped they would. But God is all-knowing (i.e., omniscient) and has the perfect timing.

The smallest family will become a thousand people,
and the tiniest group will become a mighty nation.
At the right time, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

Isaiah 60:22 (NLT)

Take this blog, for example. I had this blog title written down for months, but never had the words until I saw the post about a video we never made. It is all for God and His plan, but it didn’t go to my schedule. Instead, I failed to get our video recorded. And His perfect timing gave me these words to share with you now.

This isn’t the first time something didn’t go as planned for us or Surf 8 Christians. It felt like a regular theme in 2022. But life happened. We know God turns it all to good (Romans 8:28). All your trials, tribulations, and setbacks are for purpose.

We are in the new year. This is a time where many of you are starting new year resolutions or setting goals for 2023. It is easy to get excited for the (calendar) fresh start. But it is just as easy to get discouraged when each day doesn’t go as you hoped.

Whatever you do, put God first and He will get you where you need to be. You don’t need a new year for a new beginning. Every sunrise is a new beginning.

Do not boast about tomorrow, For you do not know what a day may bring forth.

Proverbs 27:1 (NKJV)

When I saw the post for the NYE video we never created, I felt like I had failed. That I didn’t do what God put on my heart to accomplish. I know there is a lesson learned. Satan will always try to put these condemning thoughts in your mind. However, our God is so much greater! God will make it happen at the right time (Isaiah 60:22).

Every sunrise is the light for a new day. Jesus is the light of this world and you will never be in darkness if you follow Him (John 8:12). Let every sunrise remind you that with God, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). Try and try again. God’s got you, forever and ever.


Thank You, Lord, for giving me this day. Guide my steps to Your Will. I trust You today and every day. I seek Your wisdom as I fulfill my purpose. I trust Your plan which is best for me. Thank You for Your faithfulness and mercy. I love You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
