Is Freddie Mercury in Heaven?

Music is a big part of my life. I don’t consider myself musically inclined like other members of my family since I don’t sing well, but music has been the center of every life moment. I am sure you can hear a song and it brings up memories like the soundtrack of your life.

I am not old enough to remember the death of Freddie Mercury, but I do know the impact Queen had (and still has) on music. Like many bands of the 70’s and 80’s, Queen lived a rockstar lifestyle that included a lot of drugs and sex.

Early in my career, I worked in HIV prevention, so Freddie Mercury was a musical legend I learned about that died from HIV. Freddie engaged in high-risk behaviors such as unprotected sex with multiple partners. But one thing that came out was that Freddie was gay.

From a Christian perspective, homosexuality does not follow God’s Word, and this is a highly controversial topic. But there are other things that do not follow God’s Word either such as unforgiveness, lying, adultery, murder, and more. We all fall short somewhere which is why we live under the New Covenant with Jesus Christ (Matthew 26:28).

When I listen to Queen’s lyrics, I hear a lot of spiritual influence. Freddie sings about the good, bad, and ugly. He sings about the pain and joy of life. We all experience tribulations (John 16:33) and make mistakes, but it is our hearts that determine if we go to Heaven (Romans 10: 9-10,13).

Did you know that Queen has a song about Jesus on their first album? It is titled, Jesus, and is about people going to see the Lord Jesus and His healings.

Whether you agree or disagree with Freddie Mercury’s life choices, it is not your place to judge him or any other person. I know there are people in this world that don’t agree with tattoos and body piercings, but I don’t have to prove anything to them (John 8:14). God knows my heart and I serve Him to love others. Jesus meets everyone where they are and your walk with Him is personal.

So, is Freddie Mercury in Heaven? Only God knows, but I know that if Jesus was in Freddie’s heart, then he is in Heaven! I sure hope I see him when I get to Heaven because it would be incredible to hear Freddie live in concert.

To all Christians, let the Holy Spirit shine through you to be the light to others. Love others as Jesus loves you – unconditionally no matter what you do!

1 thought on “Is Freddie Mercury in Heaven?”

  1. Pingback: Is Freddie Mercury in Heaven? – Dr. Jessica Sapp

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