
In 2005, Jessica Sapp moved to Cocoa Beach, Florida, to work at the Kennedy Space Center. It was at KSC where she met one of her closest friends who offered to teach her to surf. Jessica learned how to surf at S. 8th Street which was the beginning of what Surf 8 Christians is today. Jessica met her husband, Bill, while surfing at 8th St. where they later married in 2008.

The year she gave her heart to Jesus Christ, her purpose was revealed–to spread the “surf stoke” to everyone so they can surf the wave of life with Jesus Christ. You don’t have to be a surfer to ride this wave! The “8” is a tribute to the importance of 8th St. in this journey, but it also represents “infinity” for eternal life.

Surf 8 Christians was inspired by the heart of a surfer, but created for everyone.

Over the years, Jessica and Bill have been a part of various surf organizations with different missions. Some were faith-based while others were not, but all of these organizations were tailored to surfers. Surf 8 Christians was inspired by the heart of a surfer, but created for everyone. Surf 8 Christians aims to spread the love of Jesus Christ with this Christian movement.

Come surf with us on the party wave–a wave surfed by several people at once–to eternal life with Jesus Christ!

Bill and Jessica Sapp at S. 8th St., Cocoa Beach, FL